Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A New Kind of Normal

Finally I can say that I have a normal in my life. 

Since Aaron was born there has been no schedule to my life at all!  And I am a schedule kind of person.  I like to expect things.  I like predictability.  And this baby has been anything but predictable. 

But life is evolving, like it has a tendency to do.  And we are developing a new kind of normal.

I have read that routines are one of the most important things you can give your child.  But there was just no way I could develop a routine in the past.  Aaron would wake up at different times in the morning, which would put his eating and naps at different times during the day.  And his sleepiness would even vary from day to day.  It was hard to plan anything ahead of time.  So I mostly only went out when I could get someone to my house to watch Aaron while I took a couple of hours to run errands. 

These days I can expect Aaron awake around 6:30, which means a nap around 8:30 until around 10, and another nap around 12 or 1 until around 2.  And he eats only solids at regular meal times.  So our lives have some predictability back to them.  It feels like a whole new life and I'm loving it.

As for an update on Aaron: he is still teething (I think we're cutting four teeth at once right now, so some days like today, are especially hard).  And he is a crawling machine, which makes him tired enough to take longer naps!  Good news for mommy and baby!

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